
Pre-print of EchoVPR is out

The pre-print of our work on utilising Echo State Network models for the Visual Place Recognition problem is out now. The results suggest that ESNs can capture the temporal structure inherent in VPR problems and improve generalisation abilities, robustness, and accuracy. Links to the [paper]( and the accompanying [repo](

SAC IRMAS 2021 Program Committee

Honoured to be part of Program Committee (PC) of the [IRMAS - Intelligent Robotics and Multi-Agent Systems]( technical track on the 37th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing ([SAC 2022](

ML Reproducibility Challenge

With my colleague [Laura](, we participated in [Machine Learning Reproducibility Challenge]( You can check out the [report]( and the [GitHub repo]( Weights & Biases interactive [gallery]( is online now!

Contents for

I am honoured to be an ambassador for [AI Hub](, a community-driven AI news page. Check out my recent interviews with [Eleni Vasilaki](, [Michael Milford]( and [Ali Boyle]( More to come, stay tuned!

Sheffield Robotics Operations Committee

Excited to be a member of the operations committee for Sheffield Robotics, mainly working on organising events and managing the [webpage](

Member of ED&I committee

I am honoured to be selected as a researcher representative for [Equality, Diversity & Inclusion committee]( for Department of Computer Science.